Fool on the Road

Where Tarot and comic strip met for the first time in the world…


Silence embraced the city as the evening set in. City folk all around the town, except for the night workers, were trying to shake off the remains of the day past. Parents spending time with their kids, office workers looking for relief in alcohol, some reading newspapers, watching TV,  others eating, sleeping, thinking and dreaming…

Tarot Card Meaning

The Tarot begins with the Fool, the card number 0. And thus the Fool sets out on a great adventure.

The Fool is at point zero, and he is all ready to go. From the viewpoint of the Fool, an amazing experience containing infinite possibilities beckons. Taken over by boundless excitement, he is about to take a step into the new, the brand new. He makes no plans…


Rain had started. He was looking for a place to take shelter but the signpost on the side of the road attracted his attention: “To The Town Fair”, said the bright red letters on the signpost. “This must be the reason for all the commotion,” he thought, now paying more attention to the noise coming from afar and walking…

Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician, the card number 1, is there to render potential visible. It is in fact a great stroke of luck to come across this talented, intelligent and self-confident man, or this “will”.

The Fool had set out on an adventure just for the sake of being on the road –he made no plans. He was unaware of his powers. There was talk of some potential, but it was unclear what it might…


As the full moon started to rise, he started looking for shelter. On his path, he came across an ancient stone building. It resembled an inn, in which he could spend the night. A pale faced woman, well past her prime, opened the door. For some reason, his whole body shivered at her sight…

Tarot Card Meaning

An encounter with the High Priestess, the card number 2, means it is time to rest in silence, and to softly push open the doors of mystery.

Our thanks to the Magician who gave the Fool an idea aside, the Fool is still quite confused as to how he should progress. He does not know how to decide, or which path to take. If he had wished for guidance, the appearance of the High Priestess is the…


He was starving. He had skipped dinner last night and the delicious aroma of baking bread somewhere afar reminded him how hungry he was. He wanted to find out where the appetizing aroma was coming from, hoping he could get something to eat soon. He walked over a hill and saw the small country house. A woman was sitting…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 3, the Empress, the mother of all mothers, waits in patience to embrace you with love.

The Fool, who has an idea, and decisions around that idea, now faces new questions: How should he realize, enact, and make these decisions bear fruit? How will he develop them? This is where the Empress enters the frame, and acts as both mother…


It was very late. When the night came, he was still walking and there was not a sight, nor any light on the dark, deserted road. He realized he would not be able to find a place to spend the night. “Well, at least it is warm and the sky is clear” he thought to himself. He could sleep under the stars, breathing…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 4, the Emperor, while granting you the knowledge of how he organizes and rules over his own kingdom, will make you ask what power means, and who possesses absolute power.

The Fool had departed with beautiful feelings from the side of the Empress who unconditionally acted as his mother. However, it was necessary for him to meet the Emperor, so that…


The warm morning sun on his face awakened him. He opened his eyes and slowly stretched his body, breathing in the cool spring air. But something wasn’t quite right. He suddenly realized he was stark naked. All his clothes had disappeared and his bag was not where he left it last night. Someone must have robbed him and…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 5, the wise Hierophant will raise your awareness of belonging to a community and sharing common values.

Even if everything seems fine theoretically, the Fool begins to develop suspicions. He is trying to take control of his life [hold on to the reins of his life] and he knows, more or less, how and why to do this- but what if he fails, what if he loses his grip? Who will support him then…


A silhouette, far ahead in the river behind the trees. A naked woman bathing in the river, he realized, his eyes fixed on her exquisite figure. He wanted to turn his head, to respect her privacy, wishing hard he could look away. He couldn’t. It was as if her naked body, slender and graceful in the gleaming water, was calling…

Tarot Card Meaning

Card number 6, the Lovers, is about much more than the romantic love it first calls to mind. The finding of a lover is merely one of the consequences to be drawn from it.

At the point that he has arrived at, just when the Fool had gathered his thoughts, made decisions and become aware of the both material and spiritual power within him. it was clearly no coincidence…


His head felt messed up, as if he was drunk. He felt tired, confused and depressed. He needed to wind down; do something to get out of this heavy mood and relax a bit. The town looked almost deserted on this early Sunday morning. He saw that a local film festival was underway and, to his surprise, there was an early morning…

Tarot Card Meaning

Number 7 will be greeted by the Chariot, and departing from the station of love, it will enter into the struggle.

The encounter of the Fool with love had already begun to transform him and show him a new direction. Now he could detect the presence of dangers, potential obstacles and even enemies along his way. Because the thing he desired required him to put up…


He had not realized how far he walked. His mind was captivated with the Arjuna legend and he was still feeling like a brave warrior waging war on his enemies. He now found himself on a deserted road facing a hill ahead and he suddenly felt very tired. He realized he would not be able to go on much longer.

Tarot Card Meaning

Strength, the card number 8, will treat strength –often thought to be a physical quality- in a different light.

It is the dream of the Fool to be a real warrior, a hero on a path to victory. As he feels that pure strength within him, it is impossible not to realize a certain weakness. He needs something more than a punch, or an arrow that will hit the bull’s eye…


He needed a break. He had been on the road for a long time and he got so preoccupied with his journey that he felt like he somehow lost sight of its purpose. He had not stopped and looked back so far — not even once — but he needed to rest, to think, to contemplate. He knew deep down this was the only way he could…

Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit, at number 9, will close the doors to the outside, and open the doors to the inner world.

Events, people, places, emotions, thoughts… Everything had happened so quickly that the Fool now has to step aside from the hustle and bustle, take a look at his experiences, understand where he stands, and give it meaning. All he wants now is a little quiet…


This time of solitude and self-analysis had comforted him. He had not been able to figure out it all but he felt things were slowly falling in place. He felt he needed to get back on the road now and face what was coming his way. He had walked for only half an hour when he saw the strange looking couple: an old man…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 10, the Wheel of Fortune will spin and suddenly stop where luck comes knocking.

The Fool has been through a period where he chose solitude, and gathered his thoughts. Now his mind was clearer, and his path more distinct. He didn’t know whether this was a return of his experiences, or simply luck, but this time, life had awarded him. Sometimes…


When he saw the park across the street, he decided to take a break. He walked into the park and sat down on a bench. The weather was warm and sunny, and the park was full of children merrily running and playing, their laughter filling the air with joy and happiness. He closed his eyes, turned his face to the sun, imagining…

Tarot Card Meaning

Justice, at number 11, introduces its scales and its sword for a realistic, logical and reasonable decision, and for the necessary action to be implemented via compromise.

The Fool had rode his luck, and was now looking for new inspiration. The Justice card will provide him with the inspiration he needs to continue his journey and also remind him of an aspect of…


Something was missing. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it but he felt depressed and his mood was all gloomy. Despite all he learned during his journey — and all he looked forward to learn — something was missing but he just did not know what it was. He had taken time off from his journey to reflect on all that he had lived…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 12, the Hanged Man, calls out from a different perspective for the temporary abandonment of worldly things and for an inner journey towards a deeper understanding.

The Hanged Man is reminiscent of Odin, the God of Scandinavian mythology. Odin hung himself from the tree of life for 9 days in order to attain the wisdom of the 9 worlds…


He felt it was going to be a long night. Although he had been walking for quite a while, he was neither tired nor sleepy. He just kept pushing on through the dark, lonely night, wondering at the amazing silence surrounding him. All he heard were his own footsteps, his breathing and the rustle of his clothes as he moved…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 13, infamous for its inauspiciousness, Death awaits to bring an end to certain things.

Looking back from the point he has arrived at, the Fool saw clearly that nothing would ever be the same again. His encounter with Death proved that his senses were not mistaken. This was the end of a period. Because that is what death does, it brings…


He walked into a crowded bar. He ordered a bottle of scotch, found an empty table and sat down. He was still shaken after his encounter with the crazy woman – or whatever the hell it was – and he just wanted to get drunk, hoping the whiskey would help him erase her memory. He had already gulped down two glasses and was feeling…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 14, Temperance, with its moderate approach, will carefully blend the components that must be brought together.

Just when his adventure was taking on a mystical quality, a new question began to occupy the Fool’s mind. Power and compassion, ends and beginnings, the material and spiritual… First the one end of the seesaw, then the other… The old and the new…


He was trying to walk off his hangover from the previous evening when he saw the mansion with brightly lit windows. It looked and sounded like there was a big party going on. He could hear the music and the chatter and, as he approached, he saw the silhouettes of people inside. The whole thing seemed unusual for some reason…

Tarot Card Meaning

The Devil, at number 15, is getting impatient to show that it is the most powerful and dangerous card in the pack.

The Fool needed a little peace and quite, and a little balance in life… Yet the moment the Devil appeared before him, this balance was completely overthrown, and he realized how close slavery and lack of control were to him. The most aggressive card…


He thought he was going to lose his mind – and not only his mind but his soul too. He felt estranged from himself. His great dreams, his aspiration to true wisdom, all that led him on to this journey were about to collapse in a crushing failure. He could see no way out, no hands were reaching for him. He was all alone…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 16, the Tower will necessitate the experience of a staggering change, and all that is deceitful and erroneous will be left in its ruins.

The encounter of the Fool with the Devil was a sign that he was at an unexpected stage of his journey. Just when he thought he had left his old self behind, made progress in his spiritual journey and could find peace, he had faced…


His right hand was pretty messed up but he felt good. What he did was pretty stupid but it somehow helped him. His mind was calmer and his body relaxed but he knew he needed more. He needed something to point him at the right direction, a light to shine his path, as it were. It was already past midnight when he walked…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 17, the Star is one of the most luminous cards in the pack –it inspires hope, and begins to dress wounds.

The Fool was shattered. The moment he looked into his eyes, he had seen how alienated to his self he had become. The world was not the world he yearned for, dreamed of, desired. He had taken the mind’s games for the truth, and had made a great mistake in taking…


The storm came suddenly — one minute all was calm and quiet and the next, all hell broke loose. The wind roared, a hard rain slapped his face and huge waves raged in the sea. He began to run, hoping to find shelter until the storm passed. He saw a big house ahead, ran to…

Tarot Card Meaning

As the Moon, at number 18, rises, it also renders visible the thin line between madness and genius.

The Fool has peace in his heart, and a persistent hope for the future. He has not stopped believing in himself, or forsaken his path. However, as the darkest night he will ever see is slowly bringing down its curtain, it is of crucial importance whether he will manage to see the light…


He finally managed to make it to the other side but it hadn’t been easy. Actually, it had been damn hard: he had to struggle with the high waves and the roaring wind, and there had been moments when he thought he wouldn’t make it. Then the storm stopped, as suddenly…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 19, the Sun card will emanate all its warmth and bring elation and happiness to hearts.

The Fool had emerged safe and sound from a cursed night. And the day greeted him perfectly. As he opens his eyes and his heart to the unparalleled beauty of nature, the happiness he sought finally began to dawn in him. When the Sun card is drawn, light fills the dark night…


He knew somehow that he was nearing the end of his journey. He had grown and matured; his inner voice told him he was very close to finding the wisdom and the inner peace he sought. His mind preoccupied, he was strolling along the river that ran…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 20, Judgement will reopen past cases, and push ajar the door of freedom, along with the acceptance of the sentence it has passed.

Although he sensed that he was close to the end of the road, and was full of the inspiration provided by the Sun, something prevented the Fool from progressing and turning the last corner. The Fool was being held back a pair of invisible hands on gripping…


He walked into his compartment a few minutes before the train’s departure, sat down next to the window and took the book out of his bag. A young man with a kind face was sitting in the seat across from him and the two other passengers in the compartment were already…

Tarot Card Meaning

At number 21, the Universe will end this journey in a magnificent manner. The Fool had emerged blameless from the court where he was tried.

The life he looked upon with a smile on his face reminded him how long he had been on the road. A lot had changed since he had taken the first step on this journey. That foolish child who had set out on the road had learned so much! And he could…